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Serves : 5 - 10 / Preparation Time : 45 Minutes / Cooking Time : 10 Minutes
La Cornue® elements used - Château: gas oven, grill position; Cornufé: electric oven
Aubergines (cut in half in the length)
Peppers (cut in half in the length)
Rice (cooked)
200 grams
Pine Nuts
60 grams
200 grams
Cherry Tomatoes (cut in 8)
Basil Leaves
Finely Sliced Chives
Olive Oil
French Thyme
  1. Light the oven in the grill position
  2. Deseed the eggplants and peppers (2), salt and add the thyme and a little of olive oil
  3. Grill the halves eggplants and the peppers
  4.  In a bowl, mix the rice with a little of olive oil, add half of the pine nuts and 2/3 of the feta in dices, the tomatoes and the chives. Separate in half.
  5. Core the eggplants (not all, keep the flesh and form)
  6. Chop one pepper and mix it with the mix of rice, feta, tomatoes etc
  7. Stuff the peppers and eggplants
  8. Add the rest of the pine nuts and feta on top of the peppers and eggplants
  9. Spray with olive oil and thyme
  10. Finish cooking in the grill
  11. Decorate with the basil leaves

Tips: it’s possible to do the recipe the day before but think to add lemon juice on the eggplants before grilling them so they keep a nice colour.

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